Monday, September 17, 2007


Greetings from NY! Sorry for the long silence, I haven't really been adventurous in the kitchen due to ehem..budget constraints and lack of motivation to try something new. However, I tried these when I invited two of my friends for the other day, and when Yanti heard the word 'teatime', she laughed. 'Oh, sounds very British. Are we going to have scones with jam and buttah?

So I browsed the Internet for a good raisin scones recipe, and found it here.

The recipe calls for buttermilk, but if you don't have any, just try these:

For each 1 cup buttermilk called for in a recipe, use 1 cup plain yogurt or sour cream;


1 tablespoon lemon juice or vinegar plus enough milk to make 1 cup

Anywayyy, my scones turned out heavenly, eventhough it looked a bit like fritters. Eat it with strawberry jam and butter - peghhhh!

Ugh I can feel flabs on my waistline already.