Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Haha. a new blog for every "stuck in a moment" moment. I think this would be my 5th or 6th blog? kihkih.

This time it wd be different, where i won't blog about the "shiteziness" or "kebengongan" of the day I;ve been thru. It will be all about food. hehe. to be more specific, all the food that I have prepared here.

Kak Liza pun tanye what do I eat here. Makan nasi ke kat sini. Alang pun duk tanye, since I kat Malaysia dulu "malas" (heh, look who's talking!) nak masak, kat sini leh survive ke? hahaha. kat sini orang creative tau kat dapur.

I have invited another friend to contribute to this blog.. Miss plainwicked... hehe another wicked mind (hence the blog title!:D). She's another X scholar, but doing her master in New York. Since I can remember we have been sharing cooking tips intead of discussing Faculty's strategic planning for the ISO what-ever-things. Haha. Our typical conversation will be something like this...

wickedR: hey u. really pening la, assignment nih macam haaarrem jek nak buat
Pwicked: hoho. tell me that! I got heaps of reading to do by 6 tonight. Ade graded discussion.
wickedR: Hmm.. tough la takleh wat keja ni. Dah la dengan issue yang tak berkesudahan.
Pwicked: Owh, speaking of issues... Kitaro is so vavi... guy sucks-hate men-love them-hate them conversation apply here
WickedR: hmm total agreement.... yeah.. so what do we do now?
Pwicked: what else. eat, so what's for dinner girl?

.... and how-t0-peel-avocado-easily will be discussed in great details here.