holaa. another new recipe.. haha. This is a quick 3 in 1 recipe for those who wants it quick. Veggies, chicken and pasta in one approximately 30 min meal.
Chicken fillet (cut into small pieces)
Macaroni (soak)
Shitake Mushroom (thinly slice)
Chopped ingredients
½ cup onion
2 cloves garlic
½ cup carrot
½ cup celery
½ cup capsicum
½ tsp black pepper (crushed)
Salt and pepper to taste
Light soy sauce
Soak the macaroni in hot water for 20 minutes.Marinade the chicken in soy sauce and the black pepper.
Heat oil in a saucepan and stir in onion and garlic till fragrant. Add in the chicken and macaroni and ¾ cup of water and cover and cooked for about 15 minutes. Add in the rest of the ingredients and let the veggies cooked. If preferred, add kicap manis and soy sauce instead of salt. Pepper to taste.
Chicken fillet (cut into small pieces)
Macaroni (soak)
Shitake Mushroom (thinly slice)
Chopped ingredients
½ cup onion
2 cloves garlic
½ cup carrot
½ cup celery
½ cup capsicum
½ tsp black pepper (crushed)
Salt and pepper to taste
Light soy sauce
Soak the macaroni in hot water for 20 minutes.Marinade the chicken in soy sauce and the black pepper.
Heat oil in a saucepan and stir in onion and garlic till fragrant. Add in the chicken and macaroni and ¾ cup of water and cover and cooked for about 15 minutes. Add in the rest of the ingredients and let the veggies cooked. If preferred, add kicap manis and soy sauce instead of salt. Pepper to taste.